Nutrition Services

Learn more about our services

Nutrition Counseling

Counseling sessions focus on working together to come up with strategies for change that are achievable and comfortable for you. Depending on where you on in your journey we may start with a meal plan and food journaling, neither of these are requirements. We will utilize the best tools for you! Mindfulness and awareness are our goals. Using distraction and alternative behaviors (reading, music, art) are some of the tools that help us get there. We will look at diagnostic lab values and medications. We will work with your care team and report progress if desired. There is no standard client, so there is no standard session! All sessions are individualized to your unique needs and goals.

An initial nutrition counseling session includes a comprehensive assessment and lasts approximately 90 minutes.  During this time, we will discuss your complete medical history, eating habits and preferences, lifestyle, and health goals. The main purpose of this session is to learn more about you, address questions and concerns you may have, and begin collaborating to develop a healthy relationship with food and your body.   

Nutrition Counseling is available via Telehealth (video or phone call) or in-person.

Follow-up sessions are based on your individual needs and will be discussed during the first visit. Follow-up sessions are 50 minutes and include nutrition education, meal planning, and learning how your relationship with food was formed. We will address any challenges you may be experiencing and I will offer additional tools, strategies, and adjustments to help you continue to progress towards your goals. For clients working to recover from an eating disorder or disordered eating, a team approach is often necessary. I am happy to provide referrals to therapists if needed and coordinate care with your other medical providers.

Schedule a discovery call to learn more! 

Functional Testing

Functional test (holistic test) may be invaluable in identifying what may be contributing to health issues and assists in uncovering the root cause of your health condition and/or symptoms. Testing allows for a truly individuated approach to nutrition interventions. 

Micronutrient Testing- Micronutrient testing measures how well your body is utilizing vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, and metabolites. Identifying nutrient deficiencies and repleting your body with those nutrients can have a huge impact on multiple aspects of your health. 

DUTCH Hormone Testing-If your hormones aren't balanced it can cause a lot of unpleasant symptoms! With DUTCH hormone testing, you can identify these hormone imbalances that can lead to issues like irregular periods, fertility issues, digestion problems, sleep/fatigue issues, plus more! 

GI MAP Stool Testing- The health of our gut has a huge impact on the development of disease and can influence many aspects of our health. The GI Map test allows us to see if you have an optimal balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut along with assessing markers for digestion, inflammation, and the gut immune response.  

Schedule a discovery call to learn more about lab testing! 



We offer two free groups for our clients. Talk with your dietitain to join!

Join Ashley to learn all about the basics of nutrition through an intuitive eating lens in our Adult Nutrition Education Group, or join Sophie to get some extra support during your mid-day meal (or early depending on your time zone!); the first 30 minutes for support, the second 30 minutes for processing, or the entire hour.